S'il vous plaît supportez la cause
ALS Canada
Montant collecté
450,00 $
Objectif de collecte 30 000,00 $

Mon Message

Join us for the 2023 ALS Canada Hike to End ALS! 

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of people affected by ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) by participating in the 2023 ALS Canada Hike to End ALS. Hike and fundraise throughout October from the location of your choice and help us raise critical funds and awareness, contributing toward a future without ALS. Funds raised through your efforts will support the national ALS Canada Research Program and advocacy for all Canadians affected by ALS. 

Your time, your hike, our progress 

Complete your hike anytime during October! Choose your favourite hiking destination with the best views. Whether you choose to hike solo or with friends, every step you take brings us closer to our shared goal. 

How to participate in the ALS Canada Hike to End ALS? 

1. Fundraise collectively for the Hike to End ALS:  

Donate today and join us. As a supporter, you can contribute to our collective fundraising efforts and join us in our Hike to End ALS. 

2. Create your Hike to End ALS fundraising page:  

To set up your personalized Hike fundraising page, click on the tab 'Login/Register' located on the top of this page and follow the link to “register my event.”. Share the link, add pictures, and share your story. 

3. Share on social media:

Spread the word about the Hike to End ALS through your social media platforms. Use the event hashtag, #HikeToEndALS, to connect with the community and inspire them to join the cause. 

Together, we can achieve our goal of $30,000! 

As a token of our gratitude, everyone who donates $100 or more by October 9th, 2023, will receive a limited-edition ALS Canada toque to wear proudly on your hike. Planning to embark on your hike earlier in the month of October? Toques will start to go out the week of September 25th.

Join us for the ALS Canada Hike to End ALS and be a part of the movement toward a future without ALS. Together, let's make a difference.  

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Hike To End ALS

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Mes Supporters (6)

Ossie and Joan Tang Laisser un message
17 octobre 2023 16:53
we would like to donate ALS
Drew Fyfe a fait don de 50,00 $
30 septembre 2023 07:42
Jeff & Sally Rogers a fait don de 100,00 $
28 septembre 2023 13:51
Chantelle S. a fait don de 100,00 $
27 septembre 2023 18:54
Mary and Derek George a fait don de 100,00 $
22 septembre 2023 07:49
Marion Barnett a fait don de 100,00 $
08 septembre 2023 09:19

Société canadienne de la SLA

393, avenue University, Suite 1701
Toronto, ON M5G 1E6

Sans frais : 1-800-267-4257 | Tél: 416-497-2267 | Téléc. : 416-497-8545

Imagine Canada Ethical Code logo

© Société canadienne de la sclérose latérale amyotrophique

Organisme de bienfaisance enregistré 10670-8977-RR0002

Le sceau de confiance du Programme de normes est une marque d'Imagine Canada utilisée sous licence par la Société canadienne de la SLA.